Energy and Climate Change Mitigation


Sustainable Energy Capacity Building Initiative (SECBI) – Trinidad and Tobago

Project name

Toolkit for Development of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) for Renewable Energy Grid Integration.

General Information

Applicant Institution: Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs
Principal Contact: Mr. Randy Maurice
Address: Tower C, International Waterfront Centre, #1 Wrightson Road, Port-of-Spain
Telephone: (868) 623-6708 ext. 2793
Email: [email protected]
Internet homepage:

Project Concept

Trinidad and Tobago is seeking to effectively develop its renewable energy (RE) resources; however, one of the main barriers is the lack of a supporting legal and regulatory framework for renewable energy power generation. Currently, a standard contract for renewable electricity generators does not exist.

The project provides technical assistance for the design of a toolkit for the development of renewable energy power purchase agreements and contracts, specifically for wind energy, solar photovoltaic, bioenergy and Waste-to-Energy (WtE).


  1. Create power purchase contracts (PPAs) to boost renewable energy resources with large and small generators and deliver an associated PPA training

  2. Provide training for the development of a monitoring and evaluation plan.


  • Provided advisory services for the development of a strong legislative foundation and made recommendations for legislative amendments;
  • Provided training for the development of a model Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) to discuss crosscutting interactions of the new Feed-in Tariff Policy, Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and other clean energy policies, and clarifications needed to support successful PPA development and implementation; and
  • Provided training for the development of a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) plan.

Development Impact

Overall Expected Result: The development of PPAs will be a major impetus for the growth of the renewable energy industry in Trinidad and Tobago. Investors and project developers both foreign and local will benefit from established PPAs. Overcoming the legislative barrier and designing appropriate PPAs will be a catalyst for future renewable energy projects particularly spearheaded by the Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs seeking to lead by example.

Additionally, the economy, society and the environment will all benefit from this crucial advancement. The increase in renewable energy investment will contribute to the country’s sustainable development by reducing its carbon emissions and addressing the issue of climate change.

Project Sustainability: By creating an enabling environment, the project will achieve the goals set out in the Framework for Renewable Energy by supporting the regulatory and legislative environment. Increasing access to the grid will increase investment and the uptake of renewable energy technologies. It will assist TT in achieving its target of 5% of present peak demand (or 60MW) by 2020. Utilizing renewable energy will diversify the country’s energy mix and increase energy security as currently almost 100% of its electricity is supplied by non-renewable natural gas resources.

While the remit of power generation lies within the Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs, it is expected that the Ministry of Public Utilities, the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission and the Regulated Industries Commission will play major roles in the amendments of their respective legislation, negotiations of PPAs and the development of electricity tariffs.


  • Partner Name: Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission

Principal Contact: Kelvin Ramsook
Telephone: (868) 623-2611
Email: [email protected]
Internet home page:

  • Partner Name: Ministry of Public Utilities

Principal Contact: Jacinta Bailey-Sobers
Telephone: (868) 628-9202
Email: [email protected]
Internet home page:

  • Partner Name: Regulated Industries Commission

Principal Contact: Glenn Khan Ag
Telephone: (868) 625-5384
Email: [email protected]
Internet home page: